Thursday, April 26, 2012

Birthday Love....

I LOVE birthdays. Actually, I love all occasions that call for a celebration. Oh, and all those showers that most people dread going to??? Love those too. Favorite part??? Present part. I love watching people open presents. Love giving them..... and oh yes, I most definitely enjoy getting them.

Gift giving and getting is my primary language of l-o-v-e. There is just something about it.... it's like a tangible thing that says "I was thinking of you". Seriously, I can remember who most of our wedding gifts are from.... still remember the year I turned 11 and got an inflatable chair, the Christmas I got a lime green phone for my room, the year we discovered the dollar store and bought my mom every little snowman figurine they had for Christmas.... such sweet and treasured memories of mine. And you know what I remember about those days? the way I felt. the excitement(yes, always lots of screaming and squealing from me).... the anticipation... the surprise. I just LOVE IT!!!

Today I turned 24 years old.

It was the best day. A friend generously watched the girls for me so I could go get a pedicure and it felt. so. good. I arrived home and received the first surprise package of the day... a dozen roses from my love. Second surprise package arrived by what I am calling---- "the guy with the awesome black bag". The first one brought 6 delectable cupcakes from GIGIs cupcakes(which are the world's- yes, world's- best cupcakes).... Second "guy with the awesome black bag" brought me my favorite meal from Chili's..... cajun chicken pasta, chips and queso.... and I didn't have to make dinner. Heck to the yes.

Seriously, so spoiled, right??? You know those moments when you feel wrapped up in a hug even when you are all by yourself?? That's how I felt today. Days filled with memories are always the days that make me feel extra homesick.... but by the end of today... I just felt.........................

And loved.

It really was the best day.

Oh.... and just in case you didn't know, MY HUSBAND IS AWESOME. Look what he spoiled me with!!! Gorgeous, huh?!?! LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. 


  1. lucky girl! :) glad you felt so loved! and yes i will never forget all the birthdays and showers i have witnessed you squealing. :) you are too cute!

  2. You deserve it Bry! Love you lots and all your squiling when you open presents ;)
