Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Faves of the Pays.

To catch everyone up on some of the things my Payslie girl is doing, I thought I'd share some things she does that make me smile. At 2 years and 7 months, this child is such a blessing to my life :)

- She refers to the daytime as it being "sunnin"... and I love it. Usually it is when we get in the car to go somewhere, she will tell me, "It's not night-night time, Mommy. It's sunnin!!!"

- She has been wanting me to tell her what time it is- ALL THE TIME. Meaning, dinnertime, playtime, go-to-the-park time, daddy-come-home time, gym-time, movie-time, etc. It cracks me up. I try to be creative with my answers.

- I decided to start singing old hymns to the girls and I started with Amazing Grace. The other day, I heard Payslie singing her "rendition" of it. There are a lot of great words in that song. The one she chooses to call it is "wretch".

- She has now on two occasions prayed by herself without prompting from us. Melt. my. heart. "Dear Jesus, Thank you for my mommy. Thank You for my Daddy. Thank You for my sister. Thank you for Orangeleaf.(frozen yogurt place) I love You, Jesus. Amen."

- Tonight when I asked her if she wanted to pray, she replied, "No. I'm not really good at this." While hiding her face. ????

- Every new kid she meets and has a chance to play with at any length, is her best friend. And she tells them. "You and me are best friends, huh?"

- When she gets hurt, she says "I'm sorry"??? I think she does it because that is what we say to her so she thinks it's the appropriate response. We tried to explain the difference. We stopped because it doesn't really matter. So she still says it.

- I noticed a couple weeks ago that she knows a lot of the songs on KLOVE. I absolutely love hearing her sing along.

- When Felicity falls asleep in the car, I usually take a pic of her sleeping cuz I think she is so cute. Payslie then pretends to be asleep so that I will take a pic of her too. I oblige.

- She consistently uses dramatic phrases. Such as: "OH. MY. GOODNESS." PLLLLEEEAAAASSSSEEEE................ , and FELICITYISNOTSUPPOSEDTOBEDOINGTHAT!!!

- The girl loves, loves, loves dresses. Insists on wearing them. Says she has to. Because, duh, she is a princess.

- And shoes. just like her mama... She can't get enough.

- When out shopping, she joins in and exclaims over EVERYTHING (yes, even ugly things), "Oh, this is sooo cute!" and continues to say it until she has been acknowledged. With a "Oh, you are so right! That is sooo cute!"

- Her imagination is endless... She loves everyone. And the moments I cherish most are when she comes up to me, out of the blue, with an "I love you, Mommy."


  1. Bry, this is so cute. Thank you so much for sharing :) Glad you guys are doing well!

  2. i thank Jesus for the frozen yogurt place too! that one cracked me up! too too sweet. you are a blessed momma! :)
